HI hi!!

Thanks for visiting my new blog – home!!
Obviously, I got loads to do .. and it does look like it’s gonna take a while!

But like I said, if I don’t shift now, I’ll probably never will so I’m taking the plunge today ;p

There is a few things I’m still trying to figure out. For example, I can’t seem to “import” over my google friends connect widget (*sob*) & now instead of proudly showing that I got 40 followers, I got none (hint: the widget is on the right column) ;p.

I will also try to have full length posts on the main page.

So…Feedback! Yes yes, please comment & do share if you know of any CUTE/useful/COOL widget I should install (plus links if possible, I’m a tech idiot)… or tutorials that I could read up on. Much appreciated!!

And wishing all who celebrates CNY – GONG HEI FATT CHOY!!!
And to those who don’t, enjoy the hols!!

CNY tiger

This Post Has 39 Comments

  1. Sean

    interesting look! definitely seems quite professional, though i’m still more used to your blogspot site that i’ve been reading for the past year 😀

    1. rebeccasaw

      Yes, more steamlined no?
      Took me some time to find a ‘clean’ template!

      It will take some gettin used to, but you will continue to visit my site rite??? ;p

  2. J the chocoholic

    Wah. Now got dot com already – so class!
    Congrats on your nice new home on the web, Becky. What a great way to start the new year. 🙂

  3. babe_kl

    congrats for having a home of your own! errr the fonts kinda small though

  4. Frat Mustard

    Congratulations. Wish you a speedy transition and hope you recover fast on the search engine rankings. I’ll update my blogroll 🙂

    1. rebeccasaw

      Thanks Frat!
      The wordpress is daunting at 1st, kinda still tryin to fiddle my way ard still.

  5. Selba

    Knock.. knock…. Am I the first one? 🙂

    Congratulations on your new blog! Wow… Looking your Histats, you already got so many visitors in this new blog, cool! 🙂

    1. rebeccasaw

      Thanks babe!! ;p
      My visitors are mostly you guys lohh.. but some help being an active blogger & the fact that my company is blogging-related.

  6. ai wei

    congratulation on ur new home :))))

    1. rebeccasaw

      Thanks! So when r we gonna loh sang for 2010??

  7. msihua

    Ooo… you managed to port your old posts here as well… *impressed*

    1. rebeccasaw

      Oh, got some help from my bloggers friends ;p

  8. unkaleong

    Looking good! Noticed that you got the font colour sorted 😉

    1. rebeccasaw

      chis! someone said wanna be first to comment! Where were u la??

      Yes yes, green not nice, orange seems worse no? 🙁
      How arrr?

  9. allie

    Congratulations on your new domain!

    1. rebeccasaw

      Yayay!! About time don’t u think?? Hehehe..

  10. bryanlyt

    wah u managed to get some other stuff sorted out as well! *applause* 🙂

    1. rebeccasaw

      Have to lohhh… damn stressed wei.. But u not ard anymore what to do?? Come back!! *wails*

  11. vialentino

    reporting and checking into ur new domain….congrats!

    1. rebeccasaw

      Waiting for our dinner. Hurry up wei! :p

  12. Leo

    Wah wah wah!!! .com domain 😛
    Gong Xi Fa Cai to you too… keep up the good work ok?

    1. rebeccasaw


      Good work? U mean all that critizing posts ?? 😉

  13. iamthewitch

    Congrats to your new home! And welcome on board wordpress-er! 🙂

    1. rebeccasaw

      WordPress is crap for now!
      Urgh *tearing out hair*

      Hehe.. how;s marriage life? :p

  14. Once you get used to WordPress, you’ll wonder why you didn’t make the switch sooner. 😀 Congrats on your new site, Becks. You deserve all the happiness in the world.

    1. rebeccasaw

      Aww… so sweet of u!

      Happiness.. such an elusive state of being for me. But its been better lately, much better 😉

  15. (Almost) a new year and already a new site! Congratulations, dear!

    Ditto what LL says. WordPress will rock your world, if it already hasn’t. 😀

    1. rebeccasaw

      Ahh.. all this praise for wordpress.. Ok, I better start on a new post & see what’s all this is about..

  16. peteformation

    Congrats for moving to a new .com site! Happy Chinese New Year to you. Enjoy your Holidays!

  17. ciki

    smokin! love the new look;)

  18. TummyRumble

    nice.. finally got yourself your own domain huh?? great job… good luck with your blog…. and happy CHINESE NEW YEAR!! 🙂

  19. Nic

    Wah, new year new homepage, sure ‘ong’!! 🙂 congrats, becks!

  20. Steven Goh

    gong xi fa cai, may your new domain be having double the visitor of the previous one 🙂

  21. gill gill

    hey, finally upgraded to the DOT com! congrates! Gosh, really sorry haven’t pay a visit to your blog for long long time…heee

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