YTL’s soft launch of their @Yes4G launch #ytlc @ Cafe Vienna, Lot 10 Bukit Bintang was yesterday & as usual I was impressed to the nines of with what YTL has in store for all of us Malaysians.
Heck, YTL is doing a better job than most of our politicians & even our government at this point of time, for while we lament, curse & felt let down by these parties, YTL actually spored hope, inspires the people & gave us all something actually worth to look forward to!
Listening to Wing, CEO of YTL Comm stirring opening dialogue with claims of YES to be the 1st 4G mobile internet network in the world, launched by a Malaysian conglomerate (YTL) for Malaysians certainly arouses feelings in me that was thankfully, entirely dissimilar to the emotions I felt when it was announced that Malaysia is aiming to build another world’s tallest building. Now, that’s a FIRST that we should be proud of!
Now all YTL has to do is live up to the hype & it’s promises.
That’s left to be seen in the coming months. But what I can do now is share the buzz on YES, from what I have absorbed over delicious Austrian food at Vienna Cafe last night. Hehehe… 😉
I’m up today with a halo of excitement over yesterday night.
Imagine a world where #StreamyxSucks, “try facing your modem to the east/west-south/ WTH??! for better coverage...”, data capping doesn’t exist & doesn’t matter anymore.
Would you like that?
Oh, did I hear a “YES” ??!!?
Great then. Cos that’s what YES – the 4G mobile Internet with voice by YTL Comm is all about.
It’s the first converged 4G service in the world. Voice service is now a part of mobile Internet. Instead of having to subscribe to a voice plan, a mobile Internet plan & a mobile broadband plan, you can get everything in one simple plan with Yes.
So, you can surf, call and SMS at the lowest rates on your phone, laptop or computer. IT IS ALSO SIM – less! Yup, no sim card required! Only a YES unique ID.
Amazing things happen
when you say yes
One of the biggest challenges of the Internet age is synchronising all your address books on your phone, your computer, and in your e-mail account. YES makes your life easier with a unified address book that synchronises all your contacts online, in the cloud.
Your contacts is accessible from any device, at any time, making it easier for you to communicate. Best of all, you’ll never lose your contacts, even if you lose your phone.
In this fast paced world we live in; and with the need to be ahead is all that more important, YTL Comm totally understands that.
YES is an all-IP network that is designed with the Internet in mind, & topping that off with 100% digital, Quality-of-Service (QoS) voice calls.
A 4G network is 3 – 5 times faster than 3G simply cos it was designed for the Internet of today. 3G was built for voice. So when 3G networks try to move data on old technology, it becomes slow and congested.
Experience true convergence
With YES , you can do a whole lot more a whole lot easier. That’s because YES turns your phone into an extension of your computer, and vice versa. So you can send files, make and receive calls, play games, send and receive SMS, on any device, anytime, anywhere.
Watch it when you want it.
Watch the latest movie trailers, music videos etc with minimal pauses while loading. Yes, streaming videos on the go will be easy-peasy.
Play multiplayer games with a faster trigger.
Download large files almost instantly.
Stay connected to your social network.
Share at greater speed! Upload 100 photos in the time it used to take to upload 20. Post more videos in less time, blog, tweet & download music/videos/ anything SIMULTANEOUSLY!
Some specific hardware that you should know about:
Yes4G devices – Dongle (Go), WIFI hotspot (Huddle), Phone (Buzz) – capable of tethering , Home Gateway (Zoom)
YES Life is the client. Will work on both Windows and Mac.
We’ve said NO to the conventional SIM card, and introduced a new way of getting connected: just using your YES ID. With just one Yes ID & secure password, you can access your account on any device, and stay in touch with your contacts on Yes Life, our revolutionary unified communications platform. This is the first ever seamless, SIM-less mobile Internet experience.
Note: You can log on many devices simultaneously but NOT the SAME TYPE. eg: You are logged on (with SAME YES ID) at any one time to ONE mobile phone, ONE laptop, ONE desktop. If you happen to lose any of the devices, just change your password.
Getting started with YES: No lengthy installation or activation process. Just switch on any of our devices, sign in, & you’ll be on to the fastest 4G mobile Internet with voice.
Yes Life is a revolutionary unified communications experience that carries the things you normally do on your phone on to your computer. That means your phone becomes an extension of your computer, and your computer becomes a complement to your phone. Just sign in to Yes Life with your Yes ID, and everything you need is at your fingertips.
HOW MUCH?????????????
Note: No figures are released as yet & YTL is expected to share the $ aspect during its Grand Launch on 19th Nov!
For now, all we know is there are no commitment, expensive monthly plans & long-term contracts,plus lowest rates for data, calls, & SMS without conditions.
Seamless usage
With YES, there are no separate plans for data, calls & SMS. Everything is in one flexible plan. You have total freedom to choose how you want to use your credit & how much you want to spend.
No more wastage
That’s because we’ve said no to multiple plans and high monthly commitments. Just pay as you use in one simple plan.
Credits that don’t expire
Other mobile companies make you forfeit your unused credit and force you to reload every 7, 10 or 30 days. At YES, your credits never expire, (AS LONG AS YOU DON’T, ROFL! ) so you only reload when you need to – when you’re out of credit.
COVERAGE – YES covers 65% of the population, as a start.
65% is just the beginning
We know that it takes more than 65% of population coverage to turn Malaysia into a truly connected nation. Right now, we’re expanding our coverage to be in more places, even as you’re reading this.
What does that mean to me?
Surf from North to South
Say tata to boring long-distance drives & bus rides. The next time you’re on the North-South Highway, you can stay online all the way from Penang to Johor!!!!!!!!
Connection that moves at 120km/h
Unlike current 3G technology, YES lets you stay connected even when you’re travelling a speed of 120km/h. So go on BE PRODUCTIVE – TWEET 😉 , trade stocks, stream videos & reply emails while you’re in the car (just not while you’re driving, of course).
Get on the data train
Travelling can be a drag. But with YES, stay entertained – play games, check email & stream your fav shows the whole time you’re on the KLIA Express. Yes, even while travelling at 160 km/h.
If I’m OUT of the country?
All you need is an Internet connection, & you can make calls to all Malaysian numbers at local call rates. (That means, your call is charged like a local Malaysian call.)
YES lets you do more than just pay and reload online. You can view & track the amount of data, calls and SMS each sub-account has used, reload your basket, and transfer credit to your sub-accounts. You can also choose how you want to redeem your rebates.
YTL has spent USD850m on the YES 4G network, with 2500 base stations bought from Samsung, then something with CISCO & something with AT&T ( can someone tell me what ar?)
BUZZ is an entry level phone. Look forward to more 4G phones that will run on Android, coming out very soon!
So far, YTL has never failed to astound, be it during their annual MIdsummer Night Festival, the launch of the Rojak Song and the opening of the National Geographic Store. I’m confident that YTL Comm will deliver on its promises!
Oh man, I’m YES-cited!!!
YTL YES4G : Everyone deserves to enjoy the Internet. That’s why we’ve said “no” to the old way of doing things and “yes” to a simpler and more affordable way of getting online.
What should you do now??????
Book your Yes ID and Yes 018 number now & get on the fastest 4G mobile Internet with voice today. Sign up at!!
Check out their AWESOME videos here -
I am YES-EXCITED too! Let’s see how promising this can be
Me too!
Imagine, speedy internet! Fuuhh!!
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YTL has spent USD850m on the YES 4G network, with 2500 base stations bought from Samsung, then something with CISCO & something with AT&T ( can someone tell me what ar?)
“the something is equipments /hardwares used for the base stations. XD”
Hehehe.. I’m tryin to find the exact words! I think it’s network/hardware and then some technology of AT&T
all hype only.
Oh? I have faith in YTL somehow..
I got my Yes ID earlier 🙂 Yes la!
Hahaha! Goody!
Dropping by ere Becky . Yea, just heard of this new thing by YTL. 4G huh.
Yup! I’m really excited! I live for FAST connection cos I’m so online all the time!
i wanted [email protected] but minimum must be six characters, hehehe 😀
Oh! Then which nick did u end up using 😉 ?
i would rather stay aside first, before giving full endorsement on the product.. Streamyx is still my no 1.
lol. I am not pretty sure if YTL is the world 1st 4G network as Sprint is currently offering 4G service. Hmph.
Anyway, i love to see these competition, it will ultimately benefit us consumer. STOP MONOPOLY! SUPPORT FREE INTERNET! SUPPORT FREE ENTERPRISE!
Exactly whta we need! COMPETITION!
Still stick with Suckmyx ? been !@#$%^& tired about Suckmyx for yearsssssssss ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ! their services are the ‘best’ ( :negative: ) in the universe and the ‘speed’ can make you angry for 30 years and you will pass down the story to your grandchildren and let them know it so that they won’t continue to pay their ‘blood’ money to Suckmyx/ whoes who ( blood sucker ) Kita boleh ! yes, just do nothing and keep on say boleh then see what will hapen next . Dear Suckmyx ,may you R.I.P ( :bye: :bye: )
Me too.. hoping tht YES wil give us somethin that we deserve..FAST connection!
BTW, can’t manage to get nice number, all nice nice 1 kena sapu …..
But its OK !!!
cause me and my wife blardy :heart: :heart: YTL !
Serious?? far YTL projects has been very commendable, whether it is land development, F & B or hotels, so I’m a supporter too!
now if YTL would partner with Skype for international voice roaming. Meaning, if someone call my Yes number in malaysia, and I’m in china, I would get that call and I would be charged skype china rates.
now that would be a winner
Nice idea!
Will put tihs forward to YTL Comms!
Thks nick for droppin by 😉
Yes by YTL is phenomenal. I will make a switch after hearing testimonies from other users of YTL first. With another provider,it is unfair, to be at the mercy of having lots of unused credit,having to top it up monthly to keep my line activated. It is the users’ hard earned money and well- managed money, too.Then, there are this and that contracts to bind the users. As for land line,the TELCO company charges even the internet is frequently inaccessible, for reasons, they are best at giving.
YES YTL, Welcome aboard, greater success, and congrats to you!! Please remember your commitments to US, your CLIENTS from your front line to the boardroom and give back some of your profits to those truly in needs in M’ sia to equip them with skills!!
Wow Alvin!
I’m keepin my hopes up too !
Tonite is the night!!
Yes by YTL is phenomenal. I will make a switch after hearing testimonies from other users of YTL first. With another provider,it is unfair, to be at the mercy of having lots of unused credit,having to top it up monthly to keep my line activated. It is the users’ hard earned money and well- managed money, too.Then, there are this and that contracts to bind the users. As for land line,the TELCO company charges even the internet is frequently inaccessible, for reasons, they are best at giving.
YES YTL, Welcome aboard, greater success, and congrats to you!! Please remember your commitments to US, your CLIENTS from your front line to the boardroom and give back some of your profits to those truly in needs in M’ sia to equip them with skills!!
at least the bankurpt amax did not have website down problem whn they launch… yes website down since 19nov,,, argghhh!!!
Pingback: Launch of YES 4G by YTL Communications - Rates, Devices & ... | thenomadGourmand
Tired of Screamyx and Maxis screwing with me. So Yes, Yes… Oh Yes!
Until now (24 hrs later) the website is still down. It is really troubling with the kind of money they have spent to provide this service and it is not working.
why after launching date,thats nothing happenat all,even the website also disappear???/?////???
seriously, till today cannot activate my id online, email me to go to lot10. also found out the the credit does expired, not as advertised. minimum commitment is RM30 per month. So no different from other telco prepaid. Only different is can call from London with Yes Life,local rate. Still waiting to activate id becoz of this reason. (if this is not true WILL ask for my money back)
well, how l go to apply for your internet services. I AT SEREMBAN . Your services reach here.
check on their site, got delears list
Thanks for the post, keep posting such informative stuff!
Well, just saw the rates… 9 sen for 3MB…. If this is to replace current 3G plans, Ok I can see the reasoning, but if you’re saying it’s an alternative for “classic” broadband plays like those offered by Streamyx, I beg to differ… Perhaps there is better bandwidth (only time will tell if this will really be the case) but at what cost…
This translates to 90 RM a mnth for 3GB (approx). Doesn’t sound too bad when compared to a 3G plan but when comparing with streamyx plans, what if you’re using 12GB a month (which is fairly typical over in Europe, think YouTube usage, downloading some songs/movies, playing online games) or even more… suddenly doesn’t sound like a great deal anymore…
Secondly, being a converged service, I hope that they won’t charge double (9 sen per min voice + whatever data this will consume??). Luckily talking through Skype 1 min uses less than 3MB…
Furthermore it’s doesn’t seem to be an international service (like your current mobile provider IS, although admittedly expensive…). They tell you to find a local Internet connection (what????) to be able to communicate through their Yes Life client (and possibly incur a cost for what is otherwise provided for free by Skype, Google Talk, MSN, Yahoo…)…
Syncing your address book etc using the cloud has already been with us for free for a nr of years using Google (with others catching up)…
Not trying to ‘rain on the parade’ cuz I really wish that this could have been the “Internet saviour” that I know Malaysia really needs, but it doesn’t seem like this is the one, I’m sorry to say. Going from a “flat rate” to a “pay per use” model seems like a dangerous regression to me (again assuming we’re comparing with the likes of Streamyx)…
Never compare with Streamyx as Streamyx to me sounds like a 3rd world product. The comparable one will be UNIFI, but their coverage sucks, as they will need to spend billions of MYR to pave the optic fibre. To date, they have spent hundreds of millions but it only covers less than 20% of Malaysian population, the worst thing is- it is not mobile at all, it means, if you want to get connected, you probably need to rush home from another place, if you’re lucky, you may be able to avoid the heavy traffic in Klang Valley during 7a.m. to 10a.m.& 5p.m. to 9p.m. As a conclusion, UNIFI offers you a great inflexibility
Totally agree! UNIFI is good for those download junkies!
YES is more mobility and I guess you’re paying for the convenience you see.
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