I have just came home from the YES 4G launch of the world’s first Samsung 4G Chromebook in Malaysia.
Here’s a quick run-down of the availability and prices of the Chromebook should you be interested. The device is available (stock ready too!) at all YES outlets for RM1299. Else take up a 24 months postplan with YES 4G for RM988. Monthly quota is 3.5G.
For further details you know the site to head to –> www.yes.my .
Our small cosy group this evening had a good time getting acquainted with the people from Google and YES 4G. And the Chromebook too of course.
Each of us had a Chromebook at our disposal to fiddle with during the Q & A/discussion session. The discussion was rather helpful for us to get started on using the Chromebook. From my short time with it tonight, I find it a simple but powerful device which would take very little to get used to, especially if you’re a windows and Chrome user.
I’ll be having a unit of Chromebook at my disposal for the next 3 weeks. I’m not sure when I’ll be traveling again but you know you can always drop me an email or a comment here or my FB Page if you have any queries about this device. 🙂
For those who would like to meet me for a short touch and feel session (on the Chromebook on course), let me know the date & time.
You just have to feed me; preferably burgers, hot chocolate and cakes! 😀
Interesting. Chocolate cake for a 30 mins session with the chromebook?
I haven’t heard of Chromebook. A new type of laptop?
Checked it out at Mid Valley. So many limitations.
How much RAM and HDD space?