My IKEA Mobile Office – I work everywhere, anywhere, whenever!

I’m an IKEA products user; but then again, who’s not right?

While some swear by Ikea products and Ikea meatballs, I have to say that I’m not a die hard fan. For me, importance lies in the products’ durability, price and functionality, not so much on branding and popularity.

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Having said that, whenever a need for furniture or home paraphernalia arises, I’ll start my search at Ikea. In a way, Ikea has become a household name, and a default furniture and furnishing item shopping destination for Malaysians in KL.

The recent house moving and new office set-up has triggered the need for some furniture shopping. Armed with my IKEA card, I braved the notorious LDP – Curve traffic and stepped into IKEA, where brilliantly set-up models of ideal home living has got us Malaysians spellbound and no doubt lusting after ever since it opened its doors years back.

ikea card malaysia

Some items are familiar and almost permanent. I’m guessing that’s good, especially if you grew fond of them and want to buy duplicates or replacements. Some are new and really nifty, like this particular one which is so useful that it’s now my favourite item in the house!

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As usual Ikea items are idiot-proof for easy assembly. All you need is some patience in reading the accompanying guide.

ikea mobile office


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Picture illustrations helps of course….

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Oh darn.. what’s this…

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Urghh! Whatever! Housemates to the rescue! Yay! :DD

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Tadaa!! Assembled and ultra-mobile Laptop Table by Dave. RM89 only!

It’s perfect for an easily bored character like me. I can’t work or stay in one area for long. Thus I move my workstation around, even at home. Currently my favourite area is outside in my little garden, where there’s gentle breeze and sunny warmth. 🙂

ikea dave laptop table

Dave laptop table

Now I hope Ikea has a larger version of this mobile laptop table! Then I can have more than just 1 laptop and a mug on it!


This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Choi Yen

    I have the exactly same table at home 🙂

    1. Thristhan

      Wow, means it must be a best seller product 🙂

  2. Akulah Pak Lan

    I also cant stay at one place for too long. Boring dowh! Move around a bit here n there in one day. But i love to work from home.

    1. rebeccasaw

      Yea, but in an office, your cubicle is fixed maa!

      1. Akulah Pak Lan

        Yes it is fix, but there got a lot empty cubicle. Dont ask me why it is empty. Haha

      2. rebeccasaw

        Empty? what where empty??

  3. Chong

    Oh… I have the same table too which I bought in Singapore. It’s pretty useful for almost all types of chairs. But it starts to turn yellowish after some time. There’s another called Brada Laptop Support. It’s pretty good as well.

    1. rebeccasaw

      I think I saw the Brada.. that’s just for the lap right?
      Urghh.. I know. I love white stuffs but hates the fact that it gets discoloured!

  4. Sean

    my ikea bed and couch and tables and chairs and wardrobes are still serving me well after nearly 10 years! though my ikea cabinet/drawer and bookshelf have started falling apart, heheh 😀

    1. rebeccasaw

      I guess that’s the appeal of IKEA!
      Design, durability and convenience, not to mention the brilliant functionality of each of their products! Hard to beat!

  5. Simon Har

    very convenient! I’m looking for 1 too but shorter XD

    1. Thristhan

      I need one that can go really high 🙂 Not sure whether it can stand my weight though.

      1. rebeccasaw

        Hmm.. I think it can. But best if u dont lean on it la.. cos it’s supported by only ONE steel pipe. LOL

  6. Badri

    haha, funny seeing you try to set up the table! =)

    1. rebeccasaw

      LOL! Hehehe.. after a while, I just went “urgh! U guys do it la!! ” 😛

  7. Thristhan

    Very affordable for that price. Been so long since I visited Ikea.

  8. yanmie

    Hoyeahhh boleh cari besok kat ikea, comel sangat, boleh main angkat2 je 😀

    1. rebeccasaw

      Yes yes comel, ringan and banyak fungsinya!!

  9. Huai Chien

    Assembling IKEA furniture is an occasion to dress up for, haha! 😛

    1. rebeccasaw

      Must take pic maaa!
      LOL! No la..I’m always dressed in the afternoons, so can head out for meetings or events anytime!

  10. Steven Brazell

    This may not be the best place to ask this, but I’m interested in seeing if I’m eligible for a higher priced rental and I don’t know how to find a professional listing property management firm… have you ever heard of this company? They’re listed in the city of Sacramento, CA 15 minutes from my home and I can’t find reviews on them – Sacramento Property Management Consultants, 600 H St Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 282-3103.

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