Maybank2u – Banking with the 21st Century Woman

Banking with the 21st Century Woman

If you stop and think for a second, women have never really gotten it easy. A look into the past shows us the struggles that took place as women championed for their rights. In the early days, women were merely regarded as wives who were intended to cook, clean, and take care of the kids. They were not allowed to vote while men took on jobs and paid the bills.

Fast forward to our time, women today are provided with independence and opportunities that the previous generation could only dream of. Today, females the world over are making a positive impact in their respective fields and are fast proving their capabilities.

Take me for instance; I own my own blog and advertising agency which runs campaigns all over Malaysia and SEA. I  travel, blog, gym 3-4 times a week and attend events everyday. To top it off, staying alone in KL with no family nor siblings, I settle  EVERYTHING single-handedly; and that includes car maintenance, bills and budgeting, laundry and housework.

24 hours is NOT enough! -_-

Mybank ad

In this day and age where technology has such a pervasive impact, more and more women are embracing this development to help them juggle the challenges of life, family and career.  These independent “21st century women” are realizing their full potential with roles not just as mothers but as non-compromising businesswomen, sharp and witty advertisers, and visionary extraordinaires.

However, just as women are coming into their own and are being noticed by the world for their potential, they now face an even bigger threat. Their safety! Just flip through the newspaper and it’s not hard to miss stories of women falling victims to snatch thefts, street crimes and robberies.

The crime rates in Malaysia are rising at an alarming rate. There was a dramatic 13.4% increase in violent crimes last year, of which rape cases were up by about 30% and gang robbery by a whopping 160%. The sad reality is that we live in an increasingly violent society in which the fear of crime is ever-present. Personal safety has become an issue of importance for everyone, but especially for women.

While we take measures to make the world a safer place for women/everyone, I guess one way is to reduce risky trips to the bank?
Anyone who walks into or out of a bank is like carrying a signage that says “Rob me!”.

For me personally, I reduce trips to the bank as much as possible. Not only parking is a pain, very precious time is wasted while looking for parking as well as waiting for your turn for service .

Thus online banking is key.  We can make payments, view accounts, check balances, and apply for credit cards and loans all from the comfort of our home.

Maybank Log in page

I have been a Maybank user since the day I could legally open my own bank account. Even my company’s account is a Maybank current account! Maybank’s network of branches, and also the amount of friends/business acquaintances that has a Maybank account makes banking much easier, not to mention it really does  provide me with a greater level of flexibility and convenience.

Digital banking allows me to handle my financial related responsibilities any day, any time, anywhere and so far Maybank has proven to be most secure. So, enjoy the convenience of digital banking today like me! Don’t have a Maybank account? Head to the nearest branch and activate your Maybank2u account now or visit 🙂

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Wong

    You’re a very busy girl indeed becky! So hard to catch u!

    1. rebeccasaw

      Sorry!! 2 more weeks! Will grab u for burgers ok!

  2. veron

    Woman! 24 hours is never enough! :DD

  3. Danny

    Can’t beat the largest network of branches bank in Malaysia

  4. Sasha

    Busy but successful entrepreneur! Keep it up becky!

    1. rebeccasaw

      Hehehe I’m living the life! But work is exhausting at times…

  5. Verne

    You’re a superwoman, lah. Enuff said. Respect.

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