Launch of the Nokia Lumia 610 and Lumia 800 in Malaysia

Yes, overdue.
I know I know. But I usually post tech launches pretty immediately, and the delay for this simply cos the launch and the phones itself didn’t excite me.

But maybe I’m about to eat my words, for the announcement of the Nokia’s Pureview at MWC 2012; a 41 MP camera and the zippy new Windows 8 did make me sit up and took notice.
So, Nokia, are you making a comeback? I do hope so!

Here are the pics. And if I do get a review unit, you know you will read it here! 😀

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Below: I love these colourful umbrellas, just as colourful as their Lumia phones.

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The Lumia 800.

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Looks like the N9 right? You read read my thought of the N9 HERE.
That was one of the reasons why I wasn’t too excited. Other than the operating system; (The Lumia is part the first range of Nokia phones equipped with the Windows 7.5 Mango platform) Lumia 800 (RM1650), looks exactly like the N9.

Anyhow, the two Lumia devices mark a fresh new start for Nokia, as a partnership with the conglomerate of Microsoft could be what Nokia require to capture again the huge smartphone market, which Nokia is sadly lagging behind.

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I can’t wait to try the Window 7.5 myself. The N9 was still on Meego and though I played with the LG Windows phone before, I was told by a Microsoft fella (who was at the launch) that the Windows 7.5 is something else entirely. Apparently, it sports improvements of leaps and bounds from its predecessor.

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Actually, I won’t mind a Lumia 800 in RED. :DD

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Or the Lumia 710 (RM999) in pristine white. Totally me. I love white! 😉

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So, here’s a closing message from Antony Wilson, the Nokia marketing director for Southeast Asia.

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Amazing everyday yea? Let’s hope so.

Quoting Antony: “Windows Phone OS is (now) our primary smartphone platform, so we are committed to working with our partners at Microsoft to drive new innovation and excitement on Windows Phone.”

“Users will have access to Microsoft’s Marketplace for Windows Phone, of which there are over 55,000 apps available for download, with more planned on being developed in the future.”

That’s good news. A smartphone without apps ain’t that smart right? 🙂

Another aspect of the Windows Phone that is quite unique compared to the other platforms out there is INTEGRATION.
Most of the platforms take the traditional PC approach where you have icons linking to apps, so to get around on the phone you have to do separate tasks.
You get what I mean right? Twitter apps for twitter, FB app for FB, another app for foursquare.

The Windows phone integrate a lot of these experiences, the major one being the People’s Hub, where it pooled all the communications with the people you care about in one single thread; whether it’s Facebook, SMS, or others.

Alright, I hear you Nokia. Let’s see what you have to offer us in 2012!
Oh, I have to say this. The Lumia phones pricing is a smart move.  I personally think the prices are considered reasonable for the specs and hardware. What do you think?

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Akulah Pak Lan

    I been stick to nokia since the first day i use phone. In term of durability, yes nokia beats others product. But in term of sofware…hurm..hurm..not sure what this lumia800 can do.

    1. rebeccasaw

      Win 7.5. That’s all you should think of .. hardward – it’s ok la.

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