L’aperitif Fashion by Kronenbourg, featuring Gallo by Thian


The winner of the pair of passes to attend L’aperitif Fashion by Kronenbourg this Thursday goes to… *drum rolls*

RYAN MO of http://www.duckalot.com/!

Congratulations Ryan for winning!

Fret not the rest of you, I’ll have more things to give away after the 15th! So check back for updates!

“Kronenbourg is France’s No 1 selling premium beer, sold in 70 countries worldwide with 350 years of brewing heritage.”

Well, in Malaysia my first experience of Kronenbourg was at the Kronenbourg 1664 French Fashion Soiree, a fashion event back in April 2011.

Bloggers are having a fun time out with Kronenbourg 1664

From then on, I see Kronenbourg beer everywhere! At the Epicure 2011, MIGF 2011, MIFW 2011 and the list goes on.

Epicure 2011-10

MIGF gala closing

It is obvious that Kronenbourg is positioning itself as a brand associated with the good life; with its affiliation with glamourous fashion and good food.

And this December, Kronenbourg brings you..

Basic CMYK

The L’aperitif Fashion event captures the two distinct features, to introduce a glamorous version of the French Happy Hour, intrinsic to the French Culture of ‘art de vivre’ (art of living) in France – a celebration of good friends, good food, good spirits and good conversation.

Ap’eritif (ah-per-i-teef) is the small drink of alcoholic liquor that is taken to stimulate the appetite before a meal.

Fashion on the other hand, simply describes a prevailing custom or style of dress, etiquette and social form. (I concur!!)

Gallo by Thian is the designer that will be featured at this event on the 15th December 2011 @ The View, G-Tower.


COLOUR BLOCKING is so in season!! :P


This is from their Fall/Winter 11/12 collection.


Ok, actually I do not know much about Gallo designs. Haven’t been into their boutique. Well, we will know this coming 15th yea?

Attendees can expect to be whisked away into a glamorous French Affair with fashionable people all around, fine dining, display designs from Gallo by Thian and a makeup station by L’ancome.

All this and FREE FLOW of Kronenbourg 1664!

Ok, heres the part you’re waiting. HOW TO GET PASSES TO THE EVENT!  

I’m keeping it simple. Cos I’m a very busy woman you see. But since I’m chosen as one of the official Kronenbourg L’aperitif  Fashion Bloggers”, how to say “No” right? :P


All you have to do is come up with a slogan not more than 10 words, starting with this: “I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because..”

There’s no entry limit, so comment as many times as you want! Remember, not more than 10 words! And please la.. BE FUNNY! I like jokes…make me laugh please. :P

Contest ends on Friday, 9th December 2011 at 11.59pm.

Apparently I’ve got limited edition bottle opener designed by Gallo with Kronenbourg to give away as well. But that’s after the event. So, hop back here for that after the 15th!

For more information on Kronenbourg, check out their Facebook: @KronenbourgMY.

This Post Has 46 Comments

  1. Shereen

    “I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I want to attend the event that my arch enemy dying to attend. :yahoo:

    1. Pauline

      Me like Shereen’s answer ! 😀

  2. wong

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because is fun gastronomic experience while engaging designer to meet shoppers.

  3. munkey

    i want to win the passes…. BUT I CAN’T GO! 🙁

  4. Isaac Tan

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because.. a few rounds of beers, the ladies will look french!


      1. Isaac Tan

        haha, oh wait, there ARE french ladies there too eh. So technically they ARE supposed to look french. Can’t wait to see a french you!

  5. wendypua

    :rose: I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because i am Dare to Dress & Style

  6. Jacinta Chong

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I love fashion & party with my favourite brands!

  7. Michelle chin

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because rushing to an event after my HK flight seems fun.

  8. Shlomo Alomari

    “I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because cold beer disproves the myth of man made global warming.

  9. Shlomo Alomari

    “I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because there is no show without the ingredient of aperitif :-p

  10. Kelvin Tan

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I want to find out what L’aperitif means. Please?

    Same as that Ap’eritif thing?

  11. Kelvin Tan

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I wanna be more French, the human not the poodle.

  12. Ryan Mo

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I wanna show them my Eiffel towel.

  13. Irene Lai

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because … Hello, I’m fashionista!! ^^

  14. Ice

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because nobody want to miss this fabulous party~ 🙂

  15. Brian

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I started this brand back in 1664 and just reincarnated.

  16. Elaine

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg
    because I live for such glamour!

  17. Krystle Lee Yeah Jer

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I want to complete my last mission of 2011 party with Kronenbourg 🙂 – no regret !!!

  18. Ho Zengie

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I love Kronenbourg. It was a great pleasure working with them for the past event held in Pavilion. I really want to go cos i can imagine how awesome and fun the party is going to be!

  19. Ho Zengie

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I want to share some limelight for this awesome event!!

  20. Jason Shiraj

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I don’t want to miss out this appetising event!

  21. Pauline Tan

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I’d like to imagine myself sipping beer in Paris!

  22. cutebun

    Awesome event. I want to attend also cannot 🙁

    Good luck all!

  23. Elaine

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I sure deserve it more than the commentors here! BAH!

  24. Elaine

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because checking out the random ‘fashionable crowd’ amuses me!

  25. Elaine

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because cracking my head to complete this slogan qualifies me to!

  26. Elaine

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I totally deserve the passes, WHAT ELSE?!

  27. Jinz

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I get to show off my Kronenbourg belly with style.

  28. Lc Liew

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because.. heck, enough of the mamak scene .. I want to be a bon vivant ! { bet you need to google it 🙂 }

  29. Olivia

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I can break world record-Fastest Person to Reach French.

  30. EV@yenniedoll

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I want a french affair with Gallo and Kronenbourg *evil*

  31. Rielz

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because i wanna be inspired to be daring in fashion. 😉

  32. Rielz

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because i wanna get ideas to add ‘flavour’ to my closet.


  33. Elaine

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I am dying to go for it!

  34. Elaine

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because I have blocked the 15th night free just for this!

  35. Elaine

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg
    because I’m going to sulk all night if I don’t!

  36. Elaine

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg
    because I’m a sore loser and it sux to not win!

  37. Arthur

    I want to win the passes to the L’aperitif fashion event by Kronenbourg because i’m using the law of attraction to get the passes and by right, i should get it somehow even though i’m way off the date, lol.

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