Kam Heong Duck – PJ Old Town – nite only

Come night time, this particular coffee shop which is famous for it’s Penang Hokkien Mee and Wan Tan Mee in the mornings is taken over by ONE stall – the Kam Heong Braised Duck. Do not expect roast ducks here, for they only sell the braised version with it’s carbo companions rice or porridge, & both best eaten with generous spoonfuls of flavoursome duck broth mixed in.

Open from 5pm onwards, this place fills up easily, and the crowd spills over to the side, front and it’s neighbouring shop’s walkway.

Duck - Kam Heong PJ1

While duck meat are generally expensive, our meal for 2 cost us only RM8!

We had a serving of tender, slightly gamey but tasty duck meat, with a plate of aromatic rice, which I liked since it was not too oily or clumpy plus the porridge which was,.. well..porridge (I’m not a fan 😉 ).
I despise salted vegetables but I loved Kam Heong’s. It didn’t taste like salted vegetables at all! (which explains my zest 😀  ). Plus point was the bits of lard mixed in. The gizzards & liver has soaked in the flavours imparted by the duck broth.  Even the chilli was worthy of mention, none of the sissified mix but with a bit of spicy kick.
All in all, it’s the perfect accompaniment to the rice & duck.

Duck - Kam Heong PJ3

I wish we had stomach space for this, the instestines. It looked really good! All of the innards were bathed in hot duck broth prior to serving. Seriously, the gravy is the bomb. Feel free to pour copious amount of it over your rice or porridge. It has the the perfect blend of spices that lends to its aroma and taste.

Duck - Kam Heong PJ2

The braised mushrooms was another popular choice on the tables.

mushroom, etc

Huge numbers of pots of rice and porridges were sold each night.

the carbs

Not to mention the number of ducks. These fellows were stationed there the whole evening and I only see them chopping ducks. They did not even look up, much less take orders or even prepare the side dishes for serving. Only chop chop chop chop chop…

Duck - Kam Heong PJ

Kam Heong is seriously a good option for dinner. Service, though efficient, can still be erratic. Be prepared to wait a while since business is brisk.

kam heong duck

Time: 5pm to 10pm
Phone: – refer above name card.
Address: 8, Jalan Tengah, Off Jalan Yong Shook Lin, Petaling Jaya New Town (the corner next to the UOB Bank)

GPS: 3.099378, 101.644478

This Post Has 43 Comments

  1. Sean

    ahh, an outlet that’s open at night instead of during the daytime! my kind of place, yay! though i guess there’s a risk that all the duck might be finished if i arrive there at 9pm, huh?
    errmm, this is probably a silly question, but that isn’t duck liver, is it? 😀

    1. rebeccasaw

      Actually I nd to ask UnkaLeong abt the duck liver part..I’m sure the other was gizzard tho 😉
      And at 9pm? I think it should be a problem. Or at least for w-days nite

      1. rebeccasaw

        Yup! Unka said it’s liver, gizzards!

      2. Sean

        ooh. i’ve never had duck liver at a chinese outlet before 😀

      3. rebeccasaw

        AHha..they are the non engorged ones..hehe..wont taste as nice maybe? At least the ducks didnt die in torment..

  2. minchow

    Duck is a difficult conundrum for me – once I start I can’t stop but I’ve been told to avoid it to keep the bad cholesterol in check.

    1. rebeccasaw

      Duck, cholesterol? Oh..I nvr bothered abt cholesterol but I did read yr last post on staying awy frm meat. I really hope th doesnt have to come to that :unsure:

  3. ai wei

    i love the duckie hereeee… used to come here with parents old times.
    start missing the food here… once everymonth ♥

    1. rebeccasaw

      Oh! evry mth..waaa..tht’s really shows how good it is rite? 😛

  4. rebeccasaw

    OMG Becks. You made me feel starvationing. I must go! Bo jio lor… 😛

    1. rebeccasaw


      Eh, who is this? Hw come comment as me???

      the REAL Rebecca Saw

      1. Marcky

        Oops! Remember I was doing something for your blog? I forgot to log out. That was me!

      2. rebeccasaw

        Haha. I was cracking my head too.. and yr name popped up whn UnkaLeong said..anyone else had your password? Hehe.. Now worries then.
        Anyways, tis is one place u can go try out! Not too fattening.. 😛

  5. TummyRumble

    the duck sauce is laden with tons of MSG.. Taste quite artificial. Doesn’t taste as good as last time. As if there’s some chemical in it. I have no idea why. I used to really like this place..

    1. rebeccasaw

      Serious? I went like 3 mths ago! Haha..not sure if it was that bad then?

  6. baDboyzs

    This place has been around forever and still excellent ! a (PJ)state treasure

    1. rebeccasaw

      yezzzz…baaddboyzz (hehe..can’t help it..like yr nick! B-) )

  7. Steven Goh

    duck is one of my favorite. The picture of duck slices look savory. Now in the middle of the nite how to satisfy my hunger ah?

    1. rebeccasaw

      Aiyo..in Pg sure got plcs la!
      I’m craving koay chiap in Air Itam market now..

  8. I feel like tapau-ing some of those braised mushrooms (and duck meat too, of course) and taking them home to have with some pasta and loads of olive oil and freshly ground black pepper.

    Too gross/fusion, maybe? But sounds good to me… 😉

    1. rebeccasaw

      No! Not gross at all!
      I luve duck pasta! but havent found an outlet that does it well u knw.
      Delicious’s not good (for me at least) and Kissaten’s too salty (cos they used dried version). Yogitree’s was so-so..

  9. ciki

    love the braised duck and the hamchoy! 🙂

  10. Leo

    now this is exactly the place that I love 🙂 duck!! for red meat, I think I love pork first and secondly DUCK!!!

    1. rebeccasaw

      Me too! I dun like beef. And u dun eat beef right?
      third would be lamb? :mrgreen:

  11. unkaleong

    We can try other stalls that sell braised duck & compare 😉

  12. via

    yum yum ducky…. me and yve recently eating duck rice too…hahha…sian of chicken meat suddenly

    1. rebeccasaw

      Yeah..so boring hor? chicken chicken chicken. pork pork pork. Or else fish fish fish. . Hehe

  13. hApPy HaPpY

    i love to eat duck but now i am suffering from gout @ my toe….painful lah …how lah..maybe when the pain is gone.

    1. rebeccasaw

      eh? duck affects gout?
      Hope u got a good doc and some effective meds?

  14. augustdiners

    wow this does look delish! and all those for only 8 bucks is like bells ringing at my ears! Ure template still looks abit distorted in my screen 🙁

    1. Rebecca

      Hehee.. go try!
      ANd err..not sure why the screen is having that prob.. :unsure:

  15. hh

    The food in this restaurant is very very delicious :D,i heard that they sell 100+ duck at weekend

    1. Rebecca

      Holy s**T! But I beleive it! There are really a lot of customers!! :wacko:

  16. food lover in PJ

    yup yup, one of the best places for a good hearty protein meal at night!

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