I can’t the remember the last time I had to apply for a job. I mean like seriously. These days I get job offers over meals, at events, during parties. I haven’t updated my resume in years.
But it’s always good to keep an eye out for opportunities no? Other than these upfront offers, I thought it would good if I go back to the drawing board & do the old- school job searching practice of using jobs sites; just for kicks, to see if there’s anything out there that I may have missed; or perhaps I’ll come across an interesting job that may an entirely different genre from what I’m currently doing.
I think I could do with a change… *confused*
Anyhow, one of the job sites that caught my interest is this one – http://www.jobscentral.com.my.
Curious, I surfed around; which was relatively pain-free, since the site’s pretty well self-exemplary.
Then I clicked on this tab – “Resources” – it says..
“Hmm.. what kind of resources”.. I wondered…
Nice! I particularly enjoyed the “Job Hunting Under the Boss’s Nose“. LOL. Just kidding.
Anyhow, that got me started & I signed up for an account.
Sigh, filling up the form is a pain. That’s one of the reasons I don’t use these job portals. I find them time consuming.
In any case, once done the site will have your records & you’ll just have to update it when.. ermm.. you have any updates? 😉
Once I’m registered I was given access to more functions within the site. One thing that stood out is their “Personality Profiling” feature worth RM180.
It’s FREE if you’re registered with JobsCentral (http://www.jobscentral.com.my). And it’s simple. Thank God!
A straightforward list of 20 question with multiple answers with choice of 1- 4 for each.
OMG. Tried as I might to be as honest as possible, I had a hard time deciding between the choices of 1- 4 for each question.
Still, it was quite fun taking the “quiz” & I submitted my answer with bated breath. Come on, tell me something! 😉
But I would say that the results were creepily spot on!
Ok, I can’t quite share the full results here but I would recommend anyone to sign up with JobsCentral & get their personality profiling done. Amazing stuff.. seriously.
I know what I am, but reading it in black & white.. well, I’m speechless.
I realized too, that there are certain areas of improvement required personally for myself. Hhmm..
Also, it’s not just words. The report comes with neat analytical figures & a visually self exemplary graph!
Note: I have erased a pretty big portion of the coloured area. Haha, if you want to see how it actually works, sign up for an account here – http://www.jobscentral.com.my & get started on your own profiling!
This little profiling kind of got me thinking of my future undertakings. I do not take such prognostic word for word & I have personally changed so much over the years that I know for sure I could be an entirely different person next year or so if I wish to change.
But for now, yes, some parts are definitely spot -on.
Oh, further surfing around revealed an interesting contest happening here. JobsCentral has a mascot called Super Teddy!
And JobsCentral is also active on social media.
Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/jobscentralmy
Twitter: @JobsCentralMY
Lots of interesting tips there, like this animated video of interview tips for jobseekers that they have posted. You could watch it here.
· Duration of the contest: 18 May – 15 June 2011
· Instructions:
§ Count all the missing Super Teddys in this hi-res video on YouTube. Keep your eyes open. Some of them are partly hidden.
§ Check your emails for Part 2 (to be released on 25 May 2011)
§ Get the secret password for Part 3 from our Facebook fan page. We will give it out once we release Part 2.
§ You may submit your entry once Part 3 has been released.
§ Stay tuned and we will announce the lucky winner on the 16 June 2011!
§ Terms and conditions applied.
o Prizes:
§ Grand Prize: iPad 2
§ Runner-up Prize: Acer E400 Smartphone
§ Consolation Prize: 5x Super Teddy
Yup, hop over to http://www.jobscentral.com.my -“where Superheroes are hired everyday!” for a piece of all that action!
Meanwhile I’ve got to get back to my job hunt!
Hahah.. so u guys got a personality test like this or not?
what a cute, witty website! and y’know, i actually love teddy bears 😀 for my 23rd birthday, my uni friends gave me a giant teddy bear, nearly half my size, that i still have in a cupboard somewhere, heheh…
OMG! u serious?? A teddy bear at the age of 23?? It was a joke right!
I would agree with Sean!
This site has got some ‘human’ touch & personality compared to the others!
It’s Teddy right?? You like him huh? ;p