Come on guys, have any of you visited the fun Samsung microsite yet? Watched the videos?
No? Yes?
Come on, give it a shot!
It’s –>> .
Amusing spontaneous videos from actual Samsung Galaxy S2 owners are bound to provide you with some entertainment during lunch or tea-breaks.
On my last post I touched on the interactive PLAY button, where you get to request the talents in a video to act out your silly antics.
Also, I put in a request for Samsung – now, I wonder if anyone is going to do my ONE hand cartwheel for me??
This week, I’m thinking of submitting a video.
It seems simple enough. Take a look at some the videos uploaded by Samsung Galaxy SII owners:
This one is quite funny, $$ or Samsung Galaxy SII???
Which one do you think he chose??
And we have this guy who took this video in a toilet! Yes, pretty creative.
So hop over to by clicking here –
Show your wacky side, upload a video and who knows, your video could be used for the next Samsung campaign. Or better still, you could become the next YouTube sensation!
Psstt.. LIKE Samsung Univez on Facebook too!
Haha i saw that video, 5 pieces of tissue = the thickness of Samsung galaxy Sii… awesome !
Heh, wonder where he got such am idea from! :0)
wah….. bestnya dapat advetorial samsung… nak jugekk… hahaha
You all.. why so late only got in touch with me??