Home Improvement: Knowing your house before making changes

Now back from Europe, I’m busy editing pictures and videos while stringing my thoughts together and drafting some masterpieces stories of my adventures in beautiful Paris, Amsterdam and Antwerp.
While that’s being sorted out, today I’m going to continue from my previous post, where I was yakking about tiles and house improvement/renovation stuffs.

I’m very happy with my new home, especially so the kitchen. Settled down a bit by now, I’m taking a serious look at my kitchen to fit a new oven and a proper storage space for flour and such.

I admit that even after 4 months since I’ve moved into my new house, my clothes are still unpacked because I still can’t afford a wardrobe! However, the other pieces of furniture are in place; my work space has been set up, and I’m saving up for an oven before a wardrobe. Yes, I’m crazy that way. :DD

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Before more changes can be added to the house, I realized I have to check on quite a number of things. The oven needed additional wiring, and I had to consult an electrician because I’m ignorant of my house and I can’t answer most of the electrician’s questions.

Just the other day, a staff from Tenaga Nasional Berhad asked me to check the reading of the electricity meter in my house and then inform him of the meter readings number so he is able to issue me my bill. I was stunned for a moment because I did not know where the electricity meter is!

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Due to the structure of the building I live in, the electricity meter is placed inside the house, unlike the usual houses where it could be found outside the building. In the end, I made arrangement with TNB to come and show me the location of the electricity meter.

It was a rather embarrassing incident, and I realised that I can no longer continue to be ignorant of my own home! I am rarely at home as I am always running around places, attending events, reviews, and meetings, but this isn’t a valid enough excuse for me not to get to know my house better.

The solution was to set up an appointment with my landlord for an educational get-to-know-my home-day. It helped a lot, and now I can arrange for changes more confidently.

Anyhow, to cut a long story short, my new oven has to be a standalone as I can’t break the tiles on the wall of the kitchen to fit it.

So with my landlord consent, the oven will go to the outer porch, where there are sufficient electricity points and the floor is suitable for the frequent washing.

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That’s for the oven for now. Next are the kitchen tiles which I have spoken to my landlord to change.
However, he has not granted the request for changing the kitchen tiles, but said ok for the laundry area.

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The bathroom was newly renovated so there’s no problem.

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Since he’s busy, I’m supposed to choose the tiles. Well, that calls for research time!
Next week I’ll be meeting some friends who are house owners themselves and I’m looking forward to their advice. Anyone with input? Do drop me a comment! :DD

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Karen Dolphy

    Looks like you will be having your hands full 😉

  2. Akulah Pak Lan

    Its time to own a house already. its getting pricy everyday. then u can renovate as much as u can..

      1. Akulah Pak Lan

        Everything need to make loans nowdays.. Still owe to bank. but house is a good investment. can resell with higher value

      2. rebeccasaw

        Nah, won’t want a loan that ties up my finances, rather be free and happy with my money.

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