Hello lovely readers!
Thank you all so much for visiting my blog. I do appreciate each & every single one of you, truly! 😉
I’ve been working on improving the layout of this blog, and after the latest template change, I’m now working on the header.
Any comments?
Each picture is clickable, and upon user click, users will be directed to another page that will have all related links; for example if you click on Food, all food related posts will appear. That is still work in progress though, as I’m still working on sorting out my archives!
So, what are your thoughts? What do you think of the pics? The background colour? The overall colours of the template?
All feedback appreciated!
*muaks *
Ooo. Nice!
The new header is only shown when I load the landing page, right? Coz I can’t see the picturesque header when I’m on your individual blog post.
Yup only on the landing page! You think it’s better on individual posts as well?
Not sure if adding that banner on individual posts will increase page load time or not. If yes, perhaps no need.
If page load time is not significantly affected, synchronizing the top navi portion with the header will provide a better ECE.
Just my two-cents. 🙂
Cool! Yes I wanted on every page as well. My programmer friend said it might be irritating, well, i’ll discuss with him again 😉
same here. i cant see the header on this post but if i go to rebeccasaw.com then can see! the header very awesome! me love it! 😀
Haha.. it’s only on the landing page!
thks fr the encouragement babes!
Hey Rebecca, I love yr blog header!! How you did tht? it’s amazing!!
Haha.. I didnt do it! I got a very talented & sweet Programmer who did!
thts so sweet! hehe, nxtime intro him/her..tolong me too.. LOL!
Hahaha! Tolong?
Got to pay one wor! 😉
love ur new header! Neat and organised https://www.rebeccasaw.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif
Thank you thank you babe!
interesting header! very stylish! i like! and u chose nice photos to go with each one too 😀
Yea, took me a long time to pick the pics too!
But I’m still thinking of changing it once I have better ones!
Looks nice! A bit of a waste that it’s only on the main page. You should have it appearing all the time. 😀 Adds a pop of colour to the blog as well. 🙂 Plus the tweet feed is a nice addition. 🙂
Btw, I’m using chrome to view your blog and the header was a little bit wonky when I tried to mouse over the photos. 🙁
Hi hi Heidi!
Hey thks fro the feedback! Coming from a designer yourself, I really appreciate it!
I just wish you have more time to design some nice icons for me ..
So cantik and unique babe !!!! Love your header !!!
Hahah! thks thks! Cantik and unique like a good friend like you! 😉
very nice flashy. but not good for ppl like me that live in a world of non fully page open browsers and palm sized computer screens (tiny tablet).
but i like it! better than el Basic that we were using earlier
Whr got flashy… it’s moving and it aint bling bling yo! ;p
But of course its better than the basic ones I had
oh.. And i LOOOVE the new comment section the ability to respond to responses in sequence. gold!
well more like its less confusing lar. :good:
Yup it’s called threaded comments! I like it this way too!
oh theres a limit. i couldnt reply to you. i remember there used toi be a cool BBS that used this.