CIMB Kwik – download it & get 2 apps on iTunes or Google store for 50 %

There’s an app in the iTunes store that I’ve been eyeing for the longest time – Hipstamatic .
My god brother uses it for the nicest pictures and each time I see his posted pictures on FB or Instagram, I felt a pang of envy.

I don’t mind paying for apps, but somehow I’ve never got around to setting up my credit card to my iTunes store.
And just today I got to know of CIMB Kwik which allows ANYONE to get 2 apps on iTunes or Google store for 50 percent off just by downloading CIMB Kwik.


Kwik is an account that you can register online, anywhere and anytime. Yes, without having to visit any physical CIMB bank branch.


Well, getting some rebates off the price of some apps certainly motivates me to look into CIMB Kwik.
For a start, once you open a Kwik account you can get a complimentary iTune or Google Play (iPhone or Android) app download up to RM10. 


Then for subsequent months, EVERY MONTH you’re entitled to 50% off the 1st 2 apps purchases per month on iTunes or Google Play (*rebate is up to a maximum of RM10 per app so that means if your app is RM29.99 then it’s NOT 50% (RM15) but MAXIMUM RM10 off).


So how do you go about getting this rebate?

Go to
1.Sign up for Kwik Account



Once done, log back in.

  1. Go to Settings > Kwik Settings > CVV Number Retrieval


2. CVV number retrieval :


3. Request for TAC and submit.
*Once you have key in the TAC number, it should show you the CVV number & card expiry date


Ok, with all the information 1.) Kwik Acc Number 2.) CCV number 3.) Card expiry date* READY, and log on to iTunes and Google play on your phone.

Mine is an iPhone so here’s what I did.

1. Under settings I went to my Apple ID & click on PAYMENT INFORMATION.

photo 1

2. Then I chose MASTER CARD

photo 2

3. HERE:
Card number = your Kwik account number
Security Code = CCV number
Expiration Date – mine was 19/01 so that means 2019/JAN. Thus month is Jan and year is 2019.

photo 3

4. Once the payment method was updated, USD1 was deducted from my KWIK account. This is Apple’s deduction since I haven’t even bought any app yet.

photo 4

5. Now I went on to my Apple Store for my Hipstamatic app.
I clicked on it to download and it did!

photo 5

photo 21

My first image taken with the Hipstamatic app! Finally! 😀

photo 1

The Hipstamatic app was USD1.99 and the amount will be deducted from my Kwik account but I’m not worried. The 1st app is supposed to be free remember? So the same amount will be reimbursed into my Kwik account at the end of this campaign which is end of February.
For now, I have 2 more apps to download since my Kwik account entitles me to 50% off (up to RM10) 2 subsequent app each month.
YOU can enjoy the same privileges too. Just sign up for your Kwik account at 😀

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. kriz

    Time for me to take advantage of this promo & get those apps I have been wanting to try 😉

  2. Andy

    Easy & quick to register the Kwik account, no need to line up. Time to do apps shopping!

  3. TheresaW

    I have been using Kwik to pay many of my online purchases. It’s very convenient.

  4. Cal

    Ok this is useful. Got to get those apps I’ve been eyeing for some time!

  5. Gigi

    Hipstamatic is a good app! I use it too!

  6. Gee

    Mine cannot update the payment info. It says my method is wrong. Help me please.

  7. hazim

    Me too. I’m using iphone 5

  8. Josie

    Thanks for finally writing about >CIMB Kwik – get 2 apps on iTunes or Google store for 50 percent off just by downloading CIMB Kwik!
    | Rebecca Saw <Liked it!

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