ART: Garibaldi, Bangsar – Geometric Expressions Exhibition by Tony Palacios

Art enthusiatics and appreciators here?
Do join me and my friends tomorrow (SUNDAY, 13th May 2012) for this abstract art show by a Venezuelan at Garibaldi, Bangsar. Here’s the details:



Exhibition by artist Tony Palacios will be in a retrospective and itinerant format, with works from 2000 to 2011, so as to portray the artist’s evolution, starting with the abstractionist movement and then journeying through figurative art, expressionism and realism. Colour and geometric shapes play a major role in his work, carrying an inner message of mysticism and conveying wisdom and knowledge.


The themes in the works of Tony Palacios relate to mysticism, with deep messages that raise consciousness, spanning from the Universe, the interior world of humans and exploring age-old knowledge dating back to the beginning of our existence.

The sky, stars, planets and outer space can all be traced to his work. The circle and the sphere represent the shape of the Sun and the Moon when they rise above earth, a shape that is the highest expression of a perfect shape, representing eternity with no beginning or end or a particular direction either. The circle has been the most significant symbol of all the cultures of the world found in the work of Tony Palacios, a signature of him. The triangle represents unity with the absolute, with divinity. Geometric shapes are also central to this artist’s works. These are the themes that along with colours take us on a journey to infinity, opening the senses to creation where there is no distance between life and art; a discourse with consequences in the shape, space and colour of that which is being represented.

The overpowering magnificence of colour in his paintings shows its infinite power of expression. With the emotion of standing before the soul of things, leaving rules aside, the artist identifies himself with geometric shapes representing intangible, mythical values verging almost on rapture. This is how the work by Tony Palacios can be framed.


Title: Cielo en el Pasado (Heaven in the Past )
Size: 75L X 58H cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Artist: Tony Palacios
Year: 2006

Geometric expressions exhibition 1

Title: Acuatica (Aquatic)
Size: 115L x 77H cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Artist: Tony Palacios
Year: 2009

Gometric expressions exhibition 2

Title: Cuadrado & Garabato
(Square & Doodle)
Size: 75L x 58H cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Artist: Tony Palacios
Year: 2006

Gometric expressions exhibition 3

Title: Etnico (Ethnic)
Size: 86L X 41H cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Artist: Tony Palacios
Year: 2011

Gometric expressions exhibition 4

Title: Pequeno Cosmo
(Small Cosmo)
Size: 86L X 27H cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Artist: Tony Palacios
Year: 2011

Gometric expressions exhibition 5

Title: Papagayo (Kite)
Size: 150L X 110H cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Artist: Tony Palacios
Year: 2003

Gometric expressions exhibition 6

Title: Cosmos (Cosmos)
Size: 137L X 78H cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Artist: Tony Palacios
Year: 2005

Gometric expressions exhibition 7

Title: Gravitando en la Tarde
(Floating in the Afternoon)
Size: 150L X 110H cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Artist: Tony Palacios
Year: 2004

Gometric expressions exhibition 8

Title: Ventana Al Séptimo Cielo
(Window into the Seventh Heaven)
Size: 115L x 98H cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Artist: Tony Palacios
Year: 2007

Gometric expressions exhibition 9

Title: Sol y Luna
(The Sun and the Moon)
Size: 140L x 80H cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Artist: Tony Palacios
Year: 2005

Gometric expressions exhibition 10

Title: Tres Cielos (Three Heavens)
Size: 120L x 90H cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Artist: Tony Palacios
Year: 2007

Gometric expressions exhibition 11

Title: Ventana al Cielo
(Door to Heaven)
Size: 175L x 43H cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Artist: Tony Palacios
Year: 2007

Gometric expressions exhibition 12

Title: Noche Islamica (Islamic Night)
Size: 76L x 115H cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Artist: Tony Palacios
Year: 2008

Gometric expressions exhibition 13

Title: Belleza Exterior (Outside Beauty)
Size: 75L x 134H cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Artist: Tony Palacios
Year: 2000

Gometric expressions exhibition 14

Title: Tierra (Earth)
Size: 78L x 119H cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Artist: Tony Palacios
Year: 2005

Gometric expressions exhibition 15

Title: Om (Om)
Size: 65L x 151H cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Artist: Tony Palacios
Year: 2006

Gometric expressions exhibition 16

I’ll be there tomorrow to support my friends. Do let me know if you’re interested? Drop me a comment here! :DD


This Post Has 4 Comments

    1. rebeccasaw

      It’s an art exhibition.. wonder how’s it’s like . LOL.

  1. Sean

    interesting samples of the art! i gotta admit that they’re too abstract for me to truly appreciate though 😀

    1. rebeccasaw

      Same here!
      Guess I’ll be meetin those people who appreciates them today ..hehehe
      Will ask them waht they “see” in these pieces of art

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