AFC REALITY BITES – Martell, celebrity Chefs Sherson Lian & Johnny Fua – Elegantology Publika

AFC latest Malaysia based six-part (6 x 30mins) reality series allows public a peek into the inner workings and running of the Elegantology Gallery and Restaurant in Publika, manned by the dynamic duo of Johnny Fua and Sherson Lian.


Members of the media and friend were given a sneak preview of the 1st episode during the launch. The open air Square at Publika was the perfect venue, complete with a projection screen ready in the marquee and seats for guests while drinks and canapes were served continuously throughout the evening.

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Drinks were alcoholic while the canapes was creative and tasty. All guests were dressed to the nines, as befitting of an event that marries high fashion, great food & liquor. Everyone was all smiles, a drink in hand and the energy around the square buzzed high.



While waiting for the screening to begin, I took the opportunity to grab some shots with the celebrities; starting with Beatrice Looi herself and Celebrity Chef Johnny Fua.

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And with the stylist director of the show – Chris.

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Not forgetting Chef Sherson!

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Great Dinners of The World series had been thoroughly enjoyable so I had high expectations of the 1st episode of Reality Bites.
Johnny and Sherson provided the laughs as usual though at some points a bit exaggerated. In fact, the most promising character in the show turned out to be this poker faced guy whose antics was totally original and had us in stitches each time he appears on screen! I certainly look forward to see the development of his role in the upcoming episodes.

Further to that, I’ve heard that myself and a few bloggers who were part of the earlier Martell dinner could be spotted in Episode 5! I can’t wait to see if I could spot myself! 😀

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Guests were ushered into Elegantology after the show for dinner. It couldn’t have been a better evening when you have the best mix of entertainment, alcohol, good company and delicious food, and let’s not forget, the cognac.

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Our elixir for the evening; Martell VSOP – Edition Nuit.

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Elegantology’s baker’s choices, Truffle Butter florets, Paprika Chickpeas Hummus and EVOO.
I’m a sucker for hummus. I literally wiped this portion clean, sans bread.

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Black bamboo charcoal bun and foccacia, baked in-house.
Sinful. I shouldn’t be eating carbs, and my corset was just so tight. But I finished both anyways. Oops

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Were these baked by Kelvin (the dessert chef) I wonder? His desserts has been impressive so far, showing a lot of creativity and flair,  but now it seems that he’s great with breads as well.

Ceviche Scallop, Paw Paw Kerabu, Nam Pla Influenced Ponzu Sesame Drizzle.
When I saw the word “ceviche” I had the impression of scallops cubes swimming in lime juice. Thankfully this was served sans any liquid; and was just nicely sour with all of its delicate sweetness intact.


If you had thought that the best way to serve scallops is the old lightly pan-seared method, you won’t be as inclined to think so once you had these.

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Foie Gras Cube, Olive Lemon Soil, Soy Bean Milk Braised Shimeiji Mushroom.
My dining companions remarked that foie gras in its original state is perhaps the best way of serving foie gras, of which I’m inclined to agree though for one night, I didn’t mind this ‘lighter’ version of foie.

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Oxtail Broth, Brandied Sea Cucumber.
Another creation that stood out that evening, with herbal nuances that somewhat made it an elegant adaption of our local bak kut teh!

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The palate cleanser: Tomato Sake Granita, Sour Plum Shaved.
This was one of the nicest palate cleanser I’ve had in a long time. A palate cleanser is usually a boring citrus based sorbet, but this sweet, delicate tomato paired with sour plum was not only different, but certainly memorable.

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Kobe Beef Skewer, Miso Pineapple Bearnaise.
It’s difficult not to love kobe beef, especially one with high marbling. No adornment required, each chew of this skewer flooded the mouth with beefy juices and some of us at the table requested for seconds! It was that good. The miso pineapple bearnaise was appreciated, though unnecessary for some. But hey, at least the chefs ensured that there are sauce on the plate should the diner requires it.


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Barramundi, Smoked Muscovy Duck Glutinous Rice. The rice and the chilli paste was most interesting, one like our dim sum loh mai kai and the other was simultaneously sweet and slightly spicy.

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Replated Black Forrest Gateau. Fabulous dessert.
I must reiterate that Elegantology has a very talented dessert chef. Of which I intend to say hi to soon. I still remember his Baked Cheesecake, Fireworks Crumble, Kamquat Confit in Tarragon Infused Syrup which I had thought to be both creative and brilliant, pretty much the same description I’ll bestow on this deconstructed Black Forest dessert.

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Both Chef Johnny and Chef Sherson has always been innovative with their dishes and they had certainly not disappoint tonight.

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For a taste of Chef Johnny and Chef Sherson’s creations, try Elegantology’s set lunches which changes every 1-2 weeks. There are options of western to chinese to burgers and vegetarian and meats.
Check out the menu here –> If you’re heading there anytime soon, do give me a holler! 🙂

Last but not least, remember to catch AFC REALITY BITES every Tuesday starting 10 December 2013 at 9.00pm!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. KY

    need more kobe!

  2. Sean Eat Drink KL

    every course looks really tantalizing, from the scallops to the foie, oxtail to the beef! 😀

  3. Lindsey

    You look stunning sexy. Absolutely glamorous!

  4. amber

    Love your style! And your writing too of course.
    I need to try the lunch sets as soon as possible.

  5. daniel

    Kobe and scallops for me!

  6. Heng

    You look really beautiful.
    And the food, especially the scallops are tantalizing!

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