10 days in Melbourne: Itinerary – Day 8, 25th Feb 2011 #BeckyinOzzie


Causeway 353

Depart to Pelligrini’s
Pellegrini’s Espresso Bar needs only a couple of photos to demonstrate that everyone has coffee here, from Christy Turlington to Kevin Sheedy, and all us no-names as well. Let’s not forget its granita and the consoling uniformity of all its pasta dishes.

Pellegrini’s Espresso Bar
66 Bourke Street
Tel: (03) 9662 1885

0900 – 1030
Walking tour

Hidden Secrets
PO Box 12830
Melbourne VIC 8006
Tel: (03) 9663 3358
Fax: (03) 9329 9664

1100 – 1230
Shark walk at Melbourne Aquarium
Melbourne Aquarium is a unique journey over four levels featuring displays of coral atolls, mangrove swamps, billabongs and a rock pool, which lead to a spectacular 2.2 million litre Oceanarium. Enjoy a close encounter with sharks, stingrays, sea turtles and dozens of schools of colourful fish.

Melbourne Aquarium
Cnr. Kings Way & Queens Wharf Road
Melbourne VIC 3000
Tel: (03) 9923 5999
Fax: (03) 9620 0222


Causeway 353

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